
In the final episode of “The Acolyte,” a surprising cameo took fans by surprise. While Osha and the Stranger make a tenuous alliance, a mysterious figure emerges – Darth Plagueis the Wise. Although not explicitly named in the episode, showrunner Leslye Headland confirmed that the character is indeed Plagueis.

In Star Wars canon, Plagueis was the master of Palpatine, focusing on immortality and manipulating the Force. Their alliance eventually ended in betrayal, as Palpatine killed his master in his sleep. The Acolyte hints at exploring Plagueis’ backstory further, especially his potential connection to Osha and her twin sister Mae.

With Plagueis in the mix, the show could delve into the Sith Lord’s ties to Palpatine and the Rule of Two. The looming presence of Plagueis adds a layer of complexity to Osha and the Stranger’s story, hinting at a tragic fate for the characters.

As “The Acolyte” potentially continues, Plagueis will play a crucial role in unraveling dark side mysteries and shaping the destiny of the characters. The presence of Plagueis sets the stage for a bittersweet conclusion, as the characters navigate the dark side’s temptations and the inevitable consequences of their actions.