One of the most beloved manga series of recent times is nearing its conclusion. After a successful decade-long run, Kohei Horikoshi’s iconic shonen series, My Hero Academia, will be wrapping up this summer.
The news was officially announced by Weekly Shonen Jump publisher Shueisha, who detailed the release schedule for the final five chapters of the series. My Hero Academia, currently on a brief hiatus following the start of its epilogue in early June, will resume on July 1 and continue to release weekly until chapter 430 arrives on August 5. The series will conclude shortly after the premiere of the fourth movie in the My Hero Academia anime franchise, titled My Hero Academia: You’re Next, which is scheduled to debut in Japan on August 2.
In a statement translated by IGN, Horikoshi expressed his gratitude towards fans for their unwavering support throughout the years. He acknowledged the emotional rollercoaster of the journey and promised to deliver an exciting conclusion for both long-time readers and newcomers. The creator reflected on the incredible experience of bringing Deku and his friends to life for nearly a decade, emphasizing that it was a dream come true made possible by the dedicated fan base.
My Hero Academia has left an indelible mark on the superhero genre, transcending borders and influencing western superhero media. The series’ impact extends beyond the pages of manga, reaching audiences worldwide through its immensely popular anime adaptation that premiered in 2016. Plans are already in motion to adapt the story into a live-action western film, highlighting the lasting legacy of Horikoshi’s work in shaping the landscape of superhero fiction.
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