Psychedelic Candy Ingredient Linked to Seizures: What You Need to Know
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has discovered a synthetic psychedelic compound as well as compounds from a potentially toxic plant in Diamond...
SimCity: A Libertarian Fantasy World
In the mid-1980s, game designer Will Wright had a unique idea to create a game where players could build their own digital city and...
Google Translate Expands to 243 Languages with PaLM 2 LLM Technology
Google Translate has recently announced an expansion to include a total of 243 languages, thanks to their new PaLM 2 LLM technology. This development...
Bulletstorm VR Update: Major Fixes & Pico Release in 2021
People Can Fly recently unveiled a new trailer for Bulletstorm VR during the UploadVR Summer Showcase, showcasing the upcoming updates for the virtual reality...
Ironspring Ventures Raises $100m for Industrial Revolution Investment | TechCrunch
In 2020, Ironspring Ventures launched to support startups in industrial sectors like construction and manufacturing, which were often overlooked by early-stage venture firms. Now,...
Get Microsoft Office for $25 – Limited Time Offer
Microsoft Office has long been the go-to software for office tasks. However, the price tag can sometimes be a barrier for many users. But...
Ultimate Guide to Nomad’s Fast and Generous eSIM Data Plans for Travellers
Travelling can be an exciting experience, full of new adventures and discoveries. However, it can also be a bit stressful, especially when it comes...
Save $240 on the Top Documentary Service During Our Prime Day Sale
During the scorching summer days, sometimes all you want to do is stay indoors and beat the heat. Instead of mindlessly flipping through TV...
Key Considerations for Successful AI Implementation: A Comprehensive Guide
Currently, there are two main approaches to implementing AI in enterprises. Some companies are rushing to adopt AI solutions to quickly see returns on...